Monday, November 12, 2012

LOST- series 1 (Mcfarlane Toys)

LOST SERIES 1 (Mcfarlane Toys)

Definitely the current prize set of my collection. I loved this show, despite all the hub-bub of how it "lost" people and the ending was crazy. Yes, the show was all over the place and it even "Lost" me a few times in season 4-5. But in the end, I loved this show with all my being. I connected so much to this show it really drove me to collect the figures. Not only did this show influence my collecting the figures, this was my first "complete set" of sorts. Took FOREVER but I was able to locate all 10 figures along w/ the infamous "hatch" scene. 

Series 1-
Seems to be one of the "rare" ones to find. Took me forever to find still in the box. One of the greatest sculpts of the set in my opinion. 

Kate was one of my least favorite characters on the show, but her figure was pretty impressive. The scene it recreates was pretty epic (smoke monster) and having this as a reminder of it's rampage is pretty exciting to me. 

This was supposedly the "grail" of the set. These are going for WAY too much on Ebay, but I'm glad I scored one at a decent price. Locke was a very pivotal character on the show and my attachment to him went up and down. 

Gotta love hurley..if you don' don't have a soul :-) He really shined as a character on this show and I was glad to see him in a figure. The Golf Scene was pretty epic on the show, I almost wish though they went for him driving the Van somehow...that scene was my favorite. 

What went wrong here? Hot girl..laying on the beach? Oh yeah..hey character was a total bitch on the show ;-) I actually ended up with 2 of her simply because seems no one bought not too much to say there..nice to look at I guess. 

Jack....was the man. He owned the show and quite honestly was perfect for the role. The show-opening scene they recreated in this figure was what hooked everyone in. Fast paced, suspenseful and deep!

"The Hatch"-
Well..if you watched the know how epic and nerve rattling this scene was. When the light went on and the season faded to black....I think was one of the most intense scenes on television. This is the one box I REALLY want to open up..but I just have to save this one!

Final word:
NO SAYID?! (ever) NO SAWYER? (until series 2)..I think they really should have expanded on this series. I personally wanted Linus, bernard & rose, claire & much potential I think...much not have sold enough. Regardless...I am very proud to own and review series 1, look out for my post on series 2!

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